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PSIE membership

membership's on sale NOW!

Annual membership 67€*

3 & 5 year options also available


PSIE membership includes: â€‹


  • Access to PSIE program registration. Full calendar of courses available for season 2024/25.

  • Complete portability of certification between Europe, Canada, and Asia because the PSIE is licensed to use the complete PSIC educational stack. This means members of PSIE can continue their education with PSIC and/or PSIE anywhere in the world that courses are being offered. 

  • Pro deals with manufacturers such as Elevanate, Elan, Roxa, Aphex, Original+, and many more. A growing list of partners is in development. Click here to access all the pro deals.

  • The Method – the PSIE’s student-centered and evidence-informed instructor training system, where science meets practicality in Skiing, Teaching and Trainer development for the industry.

  • Access to sophisticated digital learning tools and resources.

  • Participation in a progressive and industry-aligned organisation, which prioritises openness and inclusivity. We welcome all PSIE members to retain their membership in other domestic and international organisations. 

  • A culture built on values of fun, kindness, respect, curiosity and achievement.

  • Being part of a growing global community of ski instructors opening up endless opportunities for professional development and networking. â€‹


*Prices subject to 20% TVA (VAT)



PSIE membership - CPD requirement: 


As a PSIE member you are required to do Continued Professional Development (CPD) in order to keep your membership current and up to date.


The CPD requirement is as follows:

  • Level 1 & 2 members - 1 credit every three years. 

  • Level 3 & 4 members - 1 credit per year with 2 or 3 credits giving you 2 or 3 years. 



  • 1 credit is equivalent to 1 day of training.  

  • CPD includes any PSIE or PSIC course. 

  • External CPD (such as online seminars, attendance at congresses like Interski etc. will also be considered).

  • PSIE is an approved CPD Provider with The CPD Group - certificate no. 784122

  • If you have any questions about CPD please get in touch via email.




Brendan Reeves

Skier: Jamie Kagan

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